Implant Placement Procedures


Un singur dinte pierdut

If you have only one missing tooth, a dental crown on a dental implant is probably your best choice.
Like the natural root, a dental implant provides the foundation for a dental crown. A ceramic dental crown on a Straumann dental implant looks and functions very much like the missing tooth did.


Examination Visit:

The first step is to visit your dentist for an examination and to discuss your individual solution options.
The first step to your new teeth is an examination of your current situation by your dentist. During the examination, you may be presented the process to place your single dental implant.
Preparation Phase:
The second step is the preparation phase, where your dentist will plan the next steps of the process. Here, your dentist will gain insight into how your dental implant will be placed.
Your dentist will take x-rays to see how your jawbone looks to determine the position for placing the dental implant.

Implant Placement Visit:

This is the step where your dentist will place the dental implant in your jaw. At this time, a temporary tooth is provided that allows you function almost like normal. The implant will need a few months to integrate with the jawbone before the next step is taken.
Under the process, you'll undergo the following:

  • You'll receive local anesthesia
  • Your dentist will place your dental implant
  • Your dentist will place a temporary tooth to your dental implant, so you can function during the healing process


Enjoying Your New Smile!

You'll return once more to your dentist to have your final tooth placed and leave with your beautiful new smile. You should expect the new tooth to fit and function just like a natural tooth. Do your usual dental hygiene to keep the tooth and gum around it clean and healthy.
After your dentist has determined that your gums have sufficiently healed you'll return to have your final tooth fitted and cemented. Your dentist will ensure that your bite is correct and you're pleased with the results.